Why should I consider a CISO?

As the nature of cyber threats evolve and the number of attacks are on the increase, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) have become an increasingly essential part of the management landscape. Companies are at risk of ransomware, website hacks and embarrassing data leaks,not only compromising the security, confidentiality and trust of their customers but costing them financially in terms of reputation and or even penalties.

We offer a seasoned security professional on a part time basis dedicated to your company’s cybersecurity.

Have a question? Please call one of our consultants 07521 704764.

What will happen?

CISOs cannot guarantee security, but they can dramatically improve it.

We will work with your team or as part of your existing team to.

  • Review current business systems/risk appetite
    • Business Impact Analysis
  • Understand current culture
  • Review existing processes and procedures
  • Define and explain new strategy
  • Execute new strategy (as an example)
    • Data Retention and Backup Policy
    • Disaster Recovery Process
    • User Awareness Training
    • Mitigate Existing Vulnerabilities

You can use us for as much time as you like. It all depends on the size or your team and your current circumstances.

You are welcome to call 07521 704764 for more information.

Security Collaboration